8 Facts Your Doctor Might Not Know About Vitamin C
When you feel under the weather, your doctor always says the same thing: “Stay in bed and take lots of Vitamin C!” Any 10-year-old could tell you that Vitamin C is good for your immune system, but the most famous vitamin goes far beyond just immunity. Vitamin C affects virtually every part of the body, and it’s got a few secrets that some doctors might not mention when they tell you to take your vitamins.
Today, we’re going to uncover a few of vitamin C’s secrets to help you understand just how powerful it really is!
1. Vitamin C Makes You Look Younger
Vitamin C is essential to the production of collagen and elastin. These vital proteins keep your skin glowing, youthful, and firm. Vitamin C accelerates collagen and elastin production in your body. And this leads to better-looking skin.
Studies have even found that Vitamin C can prevent skin aging, literally helping you look younger for longer [1]. It seems like the fountain of youth flows with orange juice instead of water! Who knew?

2. It’s Natural Sunscreen
Vitamin C protects your cells from UV radiation and other damage [2]. It’s one of the most powerful antioxidants, which means it liberates your body from harmful free radicals (rogue molecules that make cells go haywire).
When you get too much sun, UV radiation promotes free radical production in your body. This can damage your skin or give it a splotchy appearance. Vitamin C acts as a bounty hunter, seeking out these free radicals and neutralizing them to minimize harm.
It’s not just protection from UV light either. Vitamin C can also protect your cells and your skin from second-hand smoke, air pollution, and other threats in your environment.

3. It’s in Way More than Oranges
When you think of Vitamin C, you can’t help but think of a big glass of orange juice or orange slices at soccer games as a kid. It’s true that oranges are a good source of Vitamin C, but they’re far from the only source. And they’re also far from the best source. Here are a few even better Vitamin C sources to add to your diet:
Vitamin C Source | Same or More C Compared to Oranges? (per 100 g) |
Kiwi | 2.5x more |
Red and Green Bell Pepper | 3x more |
Broccoli | 1.5x more |
Strawberry | Same |
Kale | 2.5x more |
Brussel Sprouts | 1.5x more |
Table data sources: webmd.com, usda.gov
Can it get even better? You bet! Believe it or not, the juiciest source of Vitamin C comes from an amazing member of the cherry family. Highly regarded as nature's richest source of Vitamin C, acerola cherries come with mechanisms known as “helper nutrients” to help your body better absorb and benefit from targeted Vitamin C antioxidants. The Acerola Cherry in Manna’s new and improved Liposomal Vitamin C formula contains 25 to 75 times more Vitamin C than an orange or a lemon [3].

5. Your Body Can’t Easily Store Vitamin C
Many vitamins stay in your system for days or longer after you take them, but Vitamin C begins to leave your body in only a few hours [4]. Vitamin C is water-soluble, which means it breaks down quickly and exits the body in your urine almost immediately. This can make it difficult to maintain high levels of Vitamin C from your diet alone.
That’s why it’s recommended to take a vitamin C supplement. Manna Liposomal Vitamin C is developed by nutritionists for maximum absorption.* Our liposomal delivery formula prevents Vitamin C from breaking down on its way to your bloodstream, so you get more nutrition from every dose. It even comes in a tasty liquid form that you can take alone or add to your favorite drink.

6. Smokers Need More Vitamin C
If you enjoy the occasional cigarette, you may want to eat an extra piece of broccoli with your dinner to boost your Vitamin C levels. Smoking depletes the body of Vitamin C. This is believed to be caused by oxidative stress. This has led researchers to conclude that smokers need about 35 mg more Vitamin C each day than non-smokers [5].
This means that smokers should eat an extra orange, tomato, or kiwi every day just to make up for the effects of tobacco. Experts also say that it’s especially important for smokers to take a Vitamin C supplement [6].

7. It Heals Wounds, Cuts, and Bruises
Ouch! Are you prone to cuts and bruises? Vitamin C is critical to the healing process from start to finish. When you first get hurt, Vitamin C helps regulate the inflammatory response and prevent infection. As you heal, it builds new proteins (collagen) and brings them to the surface of your skin [7].
Research has even found that Vitamin C speeds up the healing process (if you’re taking enough) [8].

8. A Lack of Vitamin C Will Turn You into a Zombie
Ok, so you won’t really become a zombie. But Vitamin C deficiency will make you seem like one (and feel like one too). Those who don’t get enough Vitamin C end up with Scurvy—a condition about as pretty as it sounds.
Scurvy makes your skin break out in red spots and spontaneous wounds. It causes your gums to bleed and your teeth to fall out. It alters your perception and makes you depressed. Plus, it makes your arms and legs extremely sore, which may cause you to walk slowly and moan as you plod along (much like a zombie).
Isn’t it easier to take a Vitamin C supplement with your lunch? It only takes a second to sip Manna Liposomal Vitamin C, and it tastes great!

Your doctor knows that Vitamin C is great for you, but there are so many Vitamin C secrets that they might fail to mention (maybe it’s because even THEY don’t know)! Now that you know how important Vitamin C is to all aspects of your health, you can feel better, feel younger, and do your part to avoid any zombie outbreaks!
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5579659/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7844109/
- https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/171686/nutrients https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02435011
- https://www.nap.edu/catalog/9810/dietary-reference-intakes-for-vitamin-c-vitamin-e-selenium-and-carotenoids
- https://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/news/20000523/extra-vitamin-c-no-benefit-to-smokers
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24796079/
- https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/news/20040708/supplement-speeds-wound-healing
1 comment
Thanks for the great info on vitamin C. Learned some new information.